StillThinking - LOL. That's the scary part, having the senior moments and not knowing it.
LOL guys, funny stories.
i'm usually clothed, fed, and out the door to work before my roommate even comes out of her room in the morning.
she informed me after work yesterday that she opened the cereal cabinet and found the milk carton sitting there.. .
StillThinking - LOL. That's the scary part, having the senior moments and not knowing it.
LOL guys, funny stories.
i'm usually clothed, fed, and out the door to work before my roommate even comes out of her room in the morning.
she informed me after work yesterday that she opened the cereal cabinet and found the milk carton sitting there.. .
Once my sister and I were going on a weekend trip with our mother. She had to make a stop and we were waiting in the parking lot in front of the building. In the same lot there was a small bus w passengers getting on and off. Our mother came out of the building and headed towards the bus. When we called her she waved and got on the bus!
We died laughing. She finally made her way to our car and denied that she had gotten on the bus. We definitely thought it was an early senior moment.
last week a young elder giving the public talk made.
the statement that "some were led to believe that the.
end would come in 1975, but aren't we so thankfull.
Life would have been different for so many families had they just been honest to themselves about what the teaching and expectation was during that time.
what would you need to see to return?.
discuss........ .
They sound really good. I remember growing up JW. Gospel music was demonized. Isn't that crazy for a "christian" religion?
But since there's youtube, I still wouldn't go back to the hall for it.
sorry i have not check in the last 3 months my computer was broke.
and my wife and i have been very busy with the new business.
it has been 1 year today we landed in our new home here in wilds of pa. our 22 year old cat is now 23 years old and somedays it acts like it's going to out live us.
That is such a beautiful (dare I say report to hear this Sunday morning. It's so great you're finding your place. Here's to many wonderful anniversaries outside the religion.
P.S. We've been out six years and have had only a few JW friends contact us. You're right it's definitely out of sight, out of mind with them. Which is a good thing. It allows you more space to completely break free.
i didn't think i'd ever have a reason to go back to the assembly but my sister was getting baptised so i told her i would go.
i would still like to keep on decent terms with my family who is still in.
otherwise, i would have said no.. there were only a five people that got baptised (four kids and one elderly person).
One of the hardest things to endure when you're out is a young JW kid's baptism. UGH! Definitely the right move to go for your sister though. Stay as close to her as you can. You'll be in the best position to help her out of the cult.
i had a ms come into my work today to encourage me to come back to the meetings.
he asked me how i was doing and i smiled real big and told him i was doing wonderful!!!
he was completely confused because i think i was supposed to be feeling bad and guilty for not going out in service and feeling like the wrath of jehovah was upon me.
My family tells me over and over about how so and so asked about us. They always say, "They're doing good." The "friends" usually respond, "No, we mean how are they doing spiritually?"
When they tell them we're fine, they just say "Really?" My fam finally started to get a big kick out of the whole line of questioning.
it's beginning to annoy me when people send me text messages and e-mails of this sort.
it's even more annoying when it comes from people who i primarily associated with while i was still active, but who i haven't heard a word from since i quit going to meetings a couple months ago.
most of these people live less than five minutes from me and would be welcome at my house anytime.
Want to hear something really funny?
A couple of my extended family members will spend time w me and then shortly after their visit, they will text, leave a v/mail or send a card:
"I miss you"
Of course they mean they miss me being a JW, but I'm like, "Come on get it together guys!" lol
ok, my subject is totally joking, but i really do need some advice.
i purchased a $7 dollar keychain digital picture viewer from ebay.
it arrived in the mail, i uploaded a bunch of pictures....and then realized its a piece of crap.
I would never give up on my family. I would periodically send one card to my sister and niece. Just something that might touch her heart about your life together as siblings and let her know you want your niece to know you love her.
Don't let the religion change who you are. Put the ball back in her court. You'll also touch that authentic personality that's buried deep down underneath all those WT mags.
Good Luck. That is so hard.
floods and other messages from above.
i arrived in london this morning to find that the office space im borrowing got a bit flooded in the torrential rain weve been having.
The JW message is about as negative as you can get. To see that early on is priceless.